My Journey through ANA was a lifesaving experience, one that I will never forget. I did 3 months in ANA secondary and I can honestly say it had the biggest impact on my life, in more ways than one.

The staff are amazingly supportive, patient and trustworthy, they helped me learn to make relationships, understand boundaries, how to be honest, given me resources to help support myself and to find my voice.

It was hard at times but having learnt how to be honest and finding my voice the staff were always there to help, support and guide me through my treatment.

I am now in ANA Works housing with my lovely other peers, we support each other and have regular house meetings, the energy is priceless!

I attend ANA aftercare twice a week, where I check-in and get support. I’m involved in Pushing Change were I do advocacy work. I have college once a week, studying health & Social care level 2. I am part of the NA fellowship and working the steps.

I spend time with my family and daughter, I have rebuilt these relationships and that is all thanks to ANA who I am forever grateful for