Addiction can present itself in a person in many different forms. Whether it’s an addiction to drugs, gambling, food, or alcohol, to achieve long-term sobriety, it is important to adopt healthy habits for recovery.
There are many ways to adjust your life after rehab and this article will advise healthy habits to adopt when going through addiction recovery.
Exercise is a great way to boost physical and mental health. Physical movement can help combat addiction during recovery by reducing depression and anxiety, acting as a short-term distraction, releasing serotonin to the brain, and providing a positive focus.
During recovery, it is common to feel tired, and lethargic, and experience dramatic mood changes. Regular physical activity can provide increased energy levels, an improved mood through endorphin release, and result in a better quality of sleep.
A person’s risk of becoming addicted is partly dependent on environmental factors such as family beliefs, attitudes and history, peer pressure, social media exposure, and mental health difficulties.
By attending regular therapy sessions, deep-rooted reasoning behind the addition can be identified, explained, and understood. By understanding the cause behind addiction and identifying addiction triggers, recovery becomes more likely.
During addiction, the body becomes neglected and could be suffering from a range of health issues. Food and nutrition are vital factors that help the body rebuild itself during recovery.
It is common for recovering addicts to replace one addiction with another, so it is important to monitor what and how someone eats during recovery and to ensure food does not act as a coping mechanism.
Health, nutrition, and food tools are available during recovery from health care providers and support services. These structures can provide nutrition tips for recovery and advise the recovering addict about what and how to eat during the withdrawal period.
During addiction, relationships and friendships can become neglected and deteriorate. Forming and maintaining healthy relationships during recovery can help recovering addicts feel supported and comforted.
The first few months of recovery are the hardest as recovering addicts deal with insomnia, cravings, and conflicting emotions. A support system is an important factor to ensure a full recovery can be made.
By restoring relationships with friends and family with honesty, love, and acceptance, these rebuilt friendships can have a positive impact on the recovering addict’s new life.
Addiction recovery is not an overnight process and requires immense levels of determination and persistence. Trying to avoid addiction triggers and finding a way to spend the time previously associated with an addiction can be a challenge.
Identifying hobbies that break your old habits can lead your life in a new, positive direction. Attending hobbies that engage the mind and pique interests can be a great support in the recovery process.
Hobbies offer a release and act as a great stepping stone to creating a healthier life while recovering from addiction.
At ANA Treatment Centres, we aim to help recovering addicts rebuild their lives, gain confidence and self-worth and believe they can lead a healthy and productive life.
For more information about recovery and how ANA can support you along your journey to recovery, get in touch today.